Friday, July 31, 2009


Everything starts with basic courtesy/manners. It is obvious that we will definately not insult others or even worse insult other peoples' religion in front of their face. It's just mean and obnoxious to do that. For christians or even muslims, we respect our God in the same way we respect our parents. Insulting one's religion is like insulting our parents. How would you feel if someone were to insult your parents? Will you fight back? I am sure you will. So please show some respect. To us christians/ catholics, God is our Father. The person we pray to everytime. We, christians look up to God. And we will never doubt him. You do not have to question our faith because I believe that we hold our stand and we know that God is here for us. Even if you have the urge to say such words, it would be much better if you keep it to yourself. Because you have hurt many people who believe in God. Have christians done anything to you? If no, why must you do this to us? Its insensitive and naive. We believe in certain things and you believe in your own things. So please show some respect. Even if you dont want to. At least for those people who strongly believe in God. Thank you.
Hey peeps!!
Finally I am doing a decent post. HAHA. Today ws like a super funny day xD. I think I laughed till I had to shyt. LOL. Was suppose to reach school at 830am today but ended up reaching at 845am. HEH HEH. After EOC we had AFA followed by a break and then Stats. Today was our last lecture for Stats and AFA. Looks like its time to start revision! =D. Crap. You know what sucks? The part where you have to mug weeks or months before your exams and on the day of the exam, you will spill whatever crap you have from your brain onto the exam paper. And after that, all your facts are gone. Those long weeks and months you took to memorize all the facts is gone within 2 short hours That is what pisses me off. It is practically a waste of time. Tskkk. Anyway, no choice right? If I dont want to retake my module, I better start mugging my butt off. But after seeing microecons book, I feel my eyes closing. LOL. After my exams, I have soooo many things i want to do. I WANT TO GO ICE SKATING! It has been ages since I have ice skated. I miss it! =D
During our 2 hours break, Cass, Faizh and I had a mini oreo competition with mich as our MC. super funny. It a second editon to tastysticks! Remember to watch it on facebook aright?(: But right now, I have no idea how to put the video in. Dont evenbothe explaining, I am a far cry from becomng an IT expert. pfffffttt!
Anyway, Tmr I will not be going for dance due to some reasons which is a little difficult to say in here. If you want to know, ask me on msn xD

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