Thursday, June 18, 2009

AND I AM BACKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK FROM CAMP. OMG. It was the most tiring and dirtiest and freakiest camp E-V-E-R. I will further elaborate how it is dirty and FREAKY later on. As many of you all know it is a 24hr camp which is equivalent to a no sleep camp. So i am really really tired right now. But i have so many things to complete. For example, going for econs project meeting tomorrow and trying to finish up the statistics report. SHYT.
As for the camp. I thought its was horrible. Because they made us do a night walk. And the night walk is damn freaky. The night walk was actually a story on a lady who lost her child and blah blah blah. So throughout the whole night walk, "corps" played by some SBM leaders and coffins and paper with the word "die" written on it were EVERYWHERE. And the most horrible thing was that we could only go in pairs throughout the whole night walk. And like in the nightwalk, some campn facilitators will be scaring us as some point of time. I practically had a heart attack everytime they scare me. And it was damn freaky cos they held it in the SHS block. And the SHS block is known to be haunted. OMG. I was so freaked out i actually broke down and was soooo close to hyperventilating. To make matters worse, I had night blindness. And they made Cass and I walk 450m around the stadium. I couldnt take it anymore. So in the end i droppped out. Weak heart. really. It was just plain horrible. Even till now, I still have vivid images of those thjings that happened during the night walk. I dont know how i am going to sleep tonight. Good luck to me!! SHEESH. Anyway, i really want to thank Cass for everything she did for me during the camp. Eventhough she was just as afraid as I was for the nightwalk, She knew that i depended on her alot since i couldnt see a thing for most of the night walk events. But she bravely plucked up her courage and gave me maximum assurance. THANK YOU SOOO MUCH BABE! I REALLY APPRECIATE IT!! LOVE YOU!! =D And of cos not forgetting my new found friends in my group "TOILET!" To: Pei Li, Michelle, Jovin, Alvin, Vivian, Lynn, Meera and the two camp facils, Thanks for taking care of me during my night blindness moments!!~ xD HAHA!
Anyway, that was the 3am night walk. THE WORST NIGHT WALK EVERRR. following that, We had wet games activities. And to me, it was freaking dirty and gross. Because, the camp facils made us put colgate on our forearms and then pour a bucket of water on us, BEFORE WE PLUNGE INTO A PIT OF I dont know what they call it. All i know is that the I dont know what they call it thing has a mixture of flour and detergent. DAMN gross. Even washing up was difficult cos these eeeky things were stuck in my hair. I sooo nearly wanted to chop my hair off while i was bathing. SO knotted. HAHA! Anyway, i really got to get back on the statistics report or i will die.

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