Thursday, March 18, 2010

Freedom is something everyone yearns for. Right? I guess only Michelle will get the whole story!

Today was yet another eggciting dayyy! I taught Michelle how to cook! Whoohoo. Alright. Though I am not that pro but I still can teach right! I am seriously NOT a bimbo. & if you are questioning the status on my FB. *Stares at Michelle* SHE DID IT! HAHAHAHA!
Anyway, Michelle came over to my house at 11am today & we cooked lunch for ourselves! Super super fun! By the time we ate it was approx. 1pm because we spent more time talking compared to eating~! But the food was nice HO-KAYYYY!

Yes! Michelle is COOKING!~ =]

Why do people say that some girls do not need make up? Just a teeny bit of eyeliner and a swipe of mascara does the job & makes the girl PRETTAYYYEEE. If you dont believe. See the difference. Because I made Michelle a bimbo today! HAHAHA! She went out with makeupppp!♥ LOL!

Before make up!
After Make up!


But whatever it is, she is still my pretty dear BIMBO! =]

& then off we went to Bugis! Wanted to do some shopping for Mich but I ended up buying myself a pair of slippers. LOL! So much for saving money. But I'M TRYING! Michelle said I did improve! right? =] We dined at Soup Spoon since I AM on a diet. Yes, I need to go on a diet. Need to. Have to. WANT TO. loose weight B-A-D-L-Y. & after walking around Bugis for a while, we ended up at J.CO for a cup of nice hot green tea & yoghurt. I know I know. I just had yoghurt yesterday & today I am having another cup. GOD. But yoghurt IS healthy right? LOL! & Michelle & I had alot of heart to heart talk. Laughed like anything as usual! Our bimbotic moments are always and will always be the best right dear! IKR! HAHAHA! =] Can't wait to see you on Saturday!

2 more days!


  1. awwwww, of cos . bimbotic moments are always th funniest and best ! :D hahah . love ! <3

  2. HAHAHAHA! Missing the moments we had already! and the sony ericsson moment! HAHAHAHA! <3
