A shopping day with husband today! & as usual, SPEND! I feel so darn guilty but nevermind. I should reward myself for all the hardwork I did for the past 1 week.
So its 1 week down & 3 more weeks of hardcore dance practices and attachment to go! LOL! Oh god. I feel so tired and the worse thing is, next sunday, I have to go for work! =[ How am I gonna last? I dount I can. So not looking forward to that day!
Anyway, I feel so awfully guilty today because I spent so much! Bought a Longchamp cream colour bag, 1 top, 2 shorts, 2 sets of earrings, 2 bangles and a ring. OMG! Can die. WHAT TO DO? HAHAHA!
& amander & I were just planning to get a coach wristlet together so that we can go out with it next time! So awesome!
I feel like I am drowning in tiredness but shall not sleep so soon because I feel that the food I ate today needs a longer time digesting!~ =]
& before I forget, Thank you Amander, Hsinrui, Cass, Bai, Michelle Ong & Michelle Chng forf listening to my problems! Really thank youuuuu so so much! =] I am sure there are much more dramas to come! & before I forget, thank you stannly for your help too! =]